March 29, 2005


George Washington Memorial
Originally uploaded by scisar.

So here's a first short roundup of last weekend. First I went to Baltimore last Saturday were I met Massimo again, his Cousin and later also Oliver. While spending the afternoon in Baltimore and relaxing a bit we went to DC in the Evening for some partying and stayed afterwards at a Friend of Massi's Cousin. Sunday we went then to Georgetown and drove a bit around the DC area, which is actually very nice. Please check the pictures below.
I'll continue posting when I recovered from a flue that I kind of got today.

March 24, 2005

Going to Washington DC

Hello all, sorry for not posting so often this week, but my work kept me busy :) and very exited!
But that is about to change, 'cause I'll be going to Washington this Weekend, an excessive documentary with text and pictures will follow, so stay tuned, or at least tune in again.
Apart that, it began to snow again here, here in the upper Westside the streets were almost white, or al least covered with "Matsch".
Oh yeah, next week I'll be watching the all new digital flick "Sin City".
Greetings, me.

March 22, 2005


Testmail von handy

1st day on 25th

My first day as part of the NYC workforce is over. It was very interesting and I met very nice people. We also attended to a lecture, "Derrida and Architecture". Actually it was a conversation with Peter Eisenman, Catherine Ingraham, Jeffrey Kipnis, Anthony Vidler and Mark Wigley. They were talking about how they experienced Derrida in both, personal and work relation.
More on that later got to sleep now.

Thom Mayne named 2005 Pritzker Laureate

Thom Mayne won the Pritzker Price this year, the prestigious Award in Architecture similar to the Nobel Prize.

March 20, 2005

just turned out good...

...what started out bad. The first half of Saturday I was sick but in the late afternoon it all got better and after having starved in my room I decided to go for the best pizza in town. About 120 streets further south I had two slices of Joe's Pizza and it was worth the trip. And after some coffee at a Green'ich Village spot I went to see Woody Allen's new movie Melinda and Melinda at Lincoln Plaza Cinema. The flick was quite interesting and funny, if you like Allen's movies or not, it's good catch.

March 19, 2005

FlickrBadge & FlickrBook

Heute habe ich ein interessantes Feature bei Flickr entdeckt, un zwar die Moeglichkeit ein sogenanntes Badge zu erstellen. Im Prinzip ein Script welches man in seine Site einbindet und dann eine Anzahl Bilder aus dem eigenen Flickr-Account angezeigt werden.
Bei mir sind es nun jeweils 5 aus meinem FlickrBook, welches ich ja letztens erwaehnt habe. Da ich ja nur die Highlights in meinem Blog Posten wollte, dachte ich dies waere ein interessanter Zusatz zu dieser Site.
Update: Dieses Badge findet ihr auf der rechten Sidebar meiner Site, unter den archivierten Posts, also nur bisschen runterscrollen :)

MoMA at Evening

MoMA at Evening
Originally uploaded by scisar.

Having found a "public space" to sit down, I drank some Iced Tea and was watching a bit bored the business people fleeing the corporate buildings and heading to whatever enter(that they are a-)tain (ing)ment. Across the street I found the front side of the MoMA. So I thought I'll have a look at the Design- and Bookshop there, I wasn't really in mood for paying 20 bucks to go inside the Galleries. After having glanced through a nice assortment of designed things I decided to leave. As I exited through the main entrance an old lady demanded:
"Are you waiting in line for the free tickets?"
"Free tickets?" -What the hell was she talking about?
"Ok, you're not."
I didn't knew what was going on, but I decided to join the waiting crowd, I mean if it's free at last...
It turned out that every Friday evening is sponsored by Target and the visitors can go see the MoMA for free.
That's what I did and was there about for four hours, 'cause it really got extended!

And I got it all wrong...although the building itself, or lets say the conglomerate, looks indeed very inconspicous from outside, however you will find some interesting views and a fine selection of a japanese minimalistic approach to celebrate rooms inside. The collection is just huge, very exquisit and the UBS Collection is worth a look as well, very contemporary, very topical.

March 18, 2005

Lower Manhattan Skyline from Jersey

Lower Manhattan Skyline from Jersey
Originally uploaded by scisar.

That's what it is, but there ain't no WTC,
but a Freedom Tower is soon to be.

MoMA - the new one

Originally uploaded by scisar.

If you don't pay attention, you really CAN miss it.

Are you Irish son?

St. Paddy's Day Parade
Originally uploaded by scisar.

St. Paddy's Day Parade on Fifth Avenue.

New York Posts and FlickrBook

As you might have noticed, I italiced the Posts concerning New York. I thought it's easier to spot them and to get some typographic hierarchy, you know...
Oh by the way, I most probably won't upload every picture on this blog, just the highlights, so you might want to check out my moblog (mobileblog, or just photoblog), well actually it's just an online gallery from where I post the highlights to this blog. Most pictures on 'dialog' are hosted there.
Cya -s

March 17, 2005

//NYC// AppleStore Soho

AppleStore Soho NYC
Originally uploaded by scisar.

Well while wandering around in Soho I stumbeld over the AppleStore...u bet ;-)
Lots of cool new flashy computers, lots of interesting folks...I'll definatively buy my new Apple-whatsoever here...just because of the experience, really cool.
Have a good one!

//NYC// Me in NYC

Times Square @ Night
Originally uploaded by scisar.

Ok, well now I'm in NY, safely arrived, unpacked my bags and settled. First thing yesterday I checked the Columbia University which is just around my corner and it was crowded, there was a visitor's day going on. I also met Massi form Schaffhausen - the world is indeed small (actually I knew he's there too so...) - and his friend from the HSG. Together we wandered bit around Central Park, Fifth Avenue, The Rockefeller Center and the the Times Square in the Evening. We also went to a (Off-) Broadway Show called Newsical. It was a small theater, actually where the legendary Studio 54 was, but it was fun and we had a good lough. Oh and what was that about going alone in the Metro Uptown? It was just crowded even in the night, I have to say I felt quite safe, I hope that feeling lasts...;-)
Ok guys, today we have St. Patricks Day and we're gonna watch the Parade on Fifth. More News in the Evening.
Have a good one!

//NYC// Sky's high

Sky's high
Originally uploaded by scisar.

While walking in Manhattan, you always see some birds...

Boston from above

Boston from above
Originally uploaded by scisar.

Yesterday, while flying to NYC i also sa Boston on my way. Nice eh...?

March 14, 2005

//NYC// going to New York City

This is it. Nach mehr als einem Jahr Vorbereitung und einem von der amerikanischen Botschaft beglaubigten Arbeitsvisum, geht es nun endlich nach New York City. Dort werde ich, beginnend vom nächsten Montag, in einem Architekturbüro als Praktikant arbeiten. Für jene, denen der Ablauf des Architekturstudiums an der ETH Zürich nicht geläufig ist, zwischen dem Grundstudium und dem Hauptstudium müssen alle ArchitekturstudentInnen ein Praktikum machen, dies ist Voraussetzung um schliesslich weiterstudieren zu können. Durch einen glücklichen Umstand, ja Zufall könnte man fast schon sagen, darf ich nun eben in NYC ein Praktikum antreten. An dieser Stelle möchte ich gerne Andri nochmals danken für seine Hilfe.

Anfang Jahr habe ich mich dazu entschlossen diesen Blog (Web Journal) dazu zu benutzen, euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten, was ich so mache, was ich so interessantes gesehen habe etc. Ich denke dies ist eine relativ unkomplizierte Methode um möglichst viele von meinen Freunden und Kollegen zu erreichen, die dann die Möglichkeit haben nach Lust und Laune mal vorbeizusurfen, meine Beiträge zu lesen und, worüber ich mich sehr freuen würde, diese zu kommentieren. Wie oft ich Beiträge schreiben werde, kann ich momentan noch nicht genau sagen, ich muss zuerst abwarten wie viel ich arbeiten werde; dennoch werden es wohl mehrere pro Woche werden.

Noch kurz zu meinem Praktikum, arbeiten werde ich hier und wohnen hier (ich hoffe ihr versteht, dass ich nicht über Projekte an denen ich arbeiten werde bloggen kann, da dies Bürointerna sind).

Bis bald und ich hoffe von euch zu hören!

March 12, 2005

Ein neues Kongresshaus für Zürich

Originally uploaded by scisar.

Tatsächlich, man darf den Artikeln in der NZZ und dem Tagi
glauben schenken. Wie am Mittwoch in einer Medienmitteilung bekannt gegeben wurde, veranstaltet das ZürichForum einen Wettbewerb für die Gestaltung eines neuen Kongresszentrums. Diese Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft hat fünf schweizer und fünf internationale Architekturbüros zu
diesem Wettbewerb eingeladen. Die Schweizer Büros werden durch Betrix & Consolascio, Diener & Diener, Dürig Architekten, Gigon/Guyer und Livio Vacchini vertreten, die weiteren fünf Teilnehmer sind David Chipperfield (England), Rafael Moneo (Spanien), Souto de Moura (Spanien), Dominique Perrault (Frankreich) und Yoshio Taniguchi (Japan). Der letztere war gerade kürzlich stark in den Medien vertreten mit seinem Neu-/Erweiterungsbau des MoMA in New York City. Die Auswahl des ZürichForums, dessen Vorsitz die Stadtr&aumtein Kathrin Martelli inne hat, l&aumsst schon eine bestimmte Richtung des Designs erachten, aber dazu sp&aumter mehr. Kosten wird der Bau vorraussichtlich CHF 300 Mio. und nach einer Volksabstimmung, die laut Martelli für 2006 vorgesehen sei, würde man frühestens 2007 mit dem Bau beginnen. Erfreuen dürften wir uns also erst 2010 an dem neuen Kongresshaus, wobei die Tonhalle
zum Glück die alte sein wird.

Im November dieses Jahres werden wir die Entwürfe sehen und bis dahin bleibt zu hoffen, dass aus dieser Chance wirklich etwas wird.

March 11, 2005

sneek peek

I was abit busy the last days, so expect tomorrow an update upon Geneva, Zurich and my next big thing. For now, good night.